Blowin in the Wind

The swing clanging against the railing tells me the wind is blowing pretty strong out there. I hear the voices of the kids and grandbabes running, laughing and I imagine Bronwyn's hair going crazy, her tiny hands frantically trying to reign it in so she can see.

There's a new wind blowing, a hurricane and we've been swept up in it, swirling, twirling, all our positions picked up and dropped back down on the other side of town. 

Am I excited? 

I just want to get the third move in two years over and done with. Then I'll tell you whether or not I'm excited!

Here's what I am...

...trusting in my Lord
...believing He works all things together for good
...thankful for a job that lets me fulfill my calling and passion
...grateful for the new folk I've met this year at this crazy, wonderful church
...madly in love with Ed Chiu, my friend, lover, support and my loudest cheerleader



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