Let's Talk Some More

Talking about mental illness is hard. Thanks to those who commented below and also to those who sent me private messages - I understand.  This is still a very difficult topic to discuss publicly.

One of the places this is hardest to talk about is the Church. Christians are a funny lot. We want to believe that God can heal - and He absolutely can. I believe that. However, there are times that He doesn't and we have to deal with what that means.  This is one of those things for me that I struggle with.  I ask God almost every day to bring healing to my life but once in a while I just don't bother asking. Not because He can't heal me. Just because I figure He must not want to.

Do you ever feel like that?

Sometimes when the black clouds descend and I'm lost in my own world of fear and panic, I actually think that God has abandoned me. Then I begin to wonder if He's really there at all. Yes, I go down that road. I'm so thankful that I have some loving, supportive Christian friends who understand. But it's still not safe to talk about it openly in the Church. Not because people are purposely mean. It's because they don't understand. They say things that are just not helpful and then the person suffering misunderstands and feels hurt.

It's time to open up and teach our people about mental illness. Preachers and teachers need to talk about it publicly and encourage people to learn more about mental illness. We need to provide resources to them and give those suffering a safe place to find comfort and support.

It starts with us.



  1. Hi Kathie! I thought I would pop by your blog because you popped by mine. I'm glad I did. I too suffered from depression and anxiety. It is not a nice place to be. Fortunately, the Lord healed me of my depression some years ago. Still, it is something that needs to be talked about more in the church. I remember once, when I was asked to sing at my church, sharing about what I had been going through. So many people afterwards were so happy I said something. It made them feel like they weren't weird.

    Your blog will be a blessing to many I think. Because depression does need to be talked about in the church. People need to know it is not a satanic attack (I got that so much), it is not unresolved sin (got that one too), it is a chemical imbalance.

    God bless you as you continue to serve Him!

    1. Thanks, Laura! I appreciate that. It's a sensitive topic for so many, but it's widespread and we must address it.


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