My Articles Won!

I am so delighted. My editor from the sent me a note saying that they entered three of my articles to the Canadian Christian Press Awards and my articles won. You can read about it on and read the entry for May 7th. I was really tickled pink!

I've been doing a lot of contemplating lately about what I need to challenge me. Sometimes I think I need to do something different with my life. A move, or a change, perhaps. Then I think, no way, I'm not leaving here - I love what I'm doing. But I know that at some point we may be asked to do something different. What that will be I don't know.

However, I do know that sometimes we get sidetracked from our path with many temptations. One of the ways the enemy likes to sidetrack us is with pride. Yes, pride. I spoke about pride last Sunday at our service - that's because God has really spoken to me about the subject. I hate that! The path He has before us is for "us" not for others. And their path is not ours. What will be, will be God's will.

So, in light of all of these revelations, I'm going to get back on track. I did get sidetracked, I wandered off the path. However, even that wandering, in and of itself, becomes a part of the path that I follow, till it leads to growth in character and maturity in the Spirit.



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