Once Upon a Sheep Survives1

Well, I'm really feeling a bit tired right now. I've had that insomnia for the last couple of nights that hits me once in a while. It's difficult to concentrate when that happens - sleep deprivation is not good. However, my mind is occupied, in an excited way of course, with the yarn shop - and it's survival. Some things just take a licking and keep on ticking! I really felt a sense of peace - you cannot own things so much that your happiness depends on them. But I must say that I am very pleased that we've been able to keep the shop alive and well. When we decided that the sa would not continue to have oversight of the shop and if we had to we'd close it, it was a difficult decision, but I was at peace with it. That didn't mean I wanted to see it go - however, one has to be realistic.

But now we have another chance to keep it going with a completely new group of women who are ready and willing to put their all into it and sign on officially. I'm sending off in the mail our application for The Shepherd's Heart to become officially recognized as a non profit society - what a learning process. We have our board of directors, backing from a bank and we're off to the races!

I'm just about finished that sweater for the shop - lovely lilac lace. I'll post a picture when it's done.

Today we had a staff retreat - I decided that it would be fun to take my staff away for a day and do some team building with them. We had a couple of guests - Suman from head office who specializes in HR and the HR dept head who is going to school to become a pastor! What a wonderful day we had. We went skiing on a pair of ridiculous skis - five at a time. I nearly ended my life under one of my staff - Mike is a bit bigger than me. It was really a blessing to do this - we had a lovely meal, chicken stuffed with cream cheese - different, very rich. We really got to see each other in a different light and find out about each others colour personality profile. We exhanged affirming compliments and all in all were lifted up by the experience. I think we're going to do it again next year.

And to end off the day, when I got home was a nice letter from the little girl we sponsor in the philippines, Janine. What a sweetheart who sends me updates on her life on a regular basis. She is really a cutie.

So ends another day, another week.



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